Welcoming Wildlife to Your Garden Workshop

Watch, learn, and get involved with some hands-on activities and interactive displays to show how you can protect and save nature from your very own garden.

Alongside their Artist of the Year exhibition RSPB NI will be running interactive workshops for children and adults to learn more and be inspired to protect and save nature right here in NorthernIreland.


The restoration and protection of nature rests on the three pillarsof shelter, food, and water, which like us, nature needs in order to surviveand thrive. Come along to the drop-in workshops and be inspired by live demos ofsimple but powerful actions everyone can take to provide these three pillarsand support Northern Ireland’s wildlife. Watch, learn, and get involved withsome hands-on activities and interactive displays.


Watch, learn, and get involved with some hands-on activities and interactive displays to show how you can protect and save nature from your very own garden.


Workshops on 18 September and 25 September