Event Series Rendr Festival

RENDR Festival

Banana Block 310 Newtownards Road, Belfast

RENDR Festival is a unique nocturnal experience, celebrating creative craft and artistry in a fully immersive two-day festival exploring the space between Creativity and Technology.
Ignite your imagination with inspiring speakers from the worlds of Film, Gaming, Animation, Immersive, and more! Learn from the best, with 30+ creatives from the likes of Netflix, Pixar, Walt Disney Studios and Epic Games among others.



Banana Block 310 Newtownards Road, Belfast

Seanchoíche (pronounced Shanna-Key-Huh) our storytelling night is coming BACK to Belfast in March. The event is taking place on Friday March 15th @ Banana Block, Belfast. The theme of the… Continue reading Seanchoiche

Banana Brunch March

Banana Block 310 Newtownards Road, Belfast

Banana Brunch is back! Hosted by the hot lips themselves The Only Sassy, Elle Vosque and Miz Tasty. Come down, watch the stunner queens perform, sink as much Prosecco as… Continue reading Banana Brunch March

Drink and Draw March

Banana Block 310 Newtownards Road, Belfast

This March,  immerse yourself  into the mesmerizing world of drawing ink as we explore its unique qualities and endless possibilities. From classic dip pens to unconventional tools like bamboo dip… Continue reading Drink and Draw March